Welcome to Swibeco blog

We believe that the key to a company's success is the well-being of its people. Our mission is to help you improve the way you value your teams with tailored solutions that go beyond the ordinary. You'll find strategies to maximise the engagement of your teams and tips on how to improve the happiness and health of your employees in their working environment.

Whether you're a company director, HR professional or simply passionate about wellbeing at work, our blog is your source of inspiration and information.

Enjoy reading and welcome to the Swibeco community.

Swibeco : 9 stratégies pour renforcer la confiance sur le lieu de travail

9 Strategies for Building Trust in the Workplace

Swibeco : Non, la génération Z ne bouscule pas les codes du travail

No, Gen Z is Not Upending Professional Practices

Swibeco : La flexibilité: le nouvel avantage à offrir à vos collaborateurs

Flexibility: The Next Employee Benefit

Comment renforcer votre culture d’entreprise en 2023?

How to Strengthen Your Corporate Culture in 2023

Swibeco : Fidélisation de vos employés: les 5 points de vigilance

Employee Retention: 5 Points to Watch

Swibeco - Récompenses et avantages: rendez vos employés plus productifs

Rewards and Benefits: Increase Employee Productivity

Swibeco- Démotivation des salariés: quel impact sur votre entreprise?

How Does Lack of Employee Motivation Impact Your Company?

Swibeco- L’engagement collaborateur, c’est quoi au juste?

What Exactly is Employee Engagement?

How Can You Build an Attractive Benefits Progamme?

How Can You Build an Attractive Benefits Progamme?

Swibeco- Stratégie de bien-être: la clé d’une équipe performante

Well-Being Strategies: The Key to a Productive Team

Swibeco- Les super-pouvoirs du merci dans votre entreprise

The Power of Thank You at Your Company

Swibeco- 5 priorités RH pour 2022

5 HR Priorities for 2022

Swibeco- Aidez vos employés à gérer leur bien-être financier

Help Your Employees Manage Their Financial Well-Being

Swibeco- 10 petites astuces pour impulser ta carrière

10 Little Tips for Boosting your Career

Swibeco- La Lunch Card au temps du corona et du télétravail

The Lunch Card in the Times of Coronavirus and Working from Home

Swibeco- 5 conseils pour motiver vos employés en cette fin d’année

5 Tips for Motivating Your Employees at the End of the Year

Swibeco- 6 stratégies pour finir ta to-do-list dans les temps

6 Strategies for Finishing Your To-Do List on Time

Swibeco- Reconnaissance et récompenses: booster de performance des employés

Recognition and rewards to boost employee performance

Swibeco- 7 stratégies de team incentive performantes

7 Effective Team Incentive Strategies

Swibeco- 10 astuces pour être heureux au travail

10 Tips for Being Happy at Work

Swibeco- Certains aliments peuvent rendre vos employés plus heureux: agissez

Certain Food Can Make Your Employees Happier: Act Now!

Swibeco- Plus de pouvoir d’achat pour vos collaborateurs – sans augmenter vos coûts RH

More purchasing power for your employees – without increasing your HR costs

Swibeco- Top 10 des avantages insolites pour employés

Our top 10 innovative benefits for employees

Swibeco- Vos salariés: les meilleurs ambassadeurs de votre marque employeur?

Are Your Employees the Best Brand Ambassadors?

a demo