Welcome to Swiblog

We believe that the key to a company's success is the well-being of its people. Our mission is to help you improve the way you value your teams with tailored solutions that go beyond the ordinary. You'll find strategies to maximise the engagement of your teams and tips on how to improve the happiness and health of your employees in their working environment.

Whether you're a company director, HR professional or simply passionate about wellbeing at work, our blog is your source of inspiration and information.

Enjoy reading and welcome to the Swibeco community.

Swibeco- Réunions avec ton patron: 6 conseils pour les optimiser

6 Tips for Better Meetings with Your Boss

Swibeco- Le salaire suffit-il encore au bonheur des employés?

Is A Salary Still Enough to Keep Employees Happy?

Swibeco- Le secret du bonheur au travail: tes collègues évidemment!

The Secret to Being Happy at Work: Your Colleagues, Of Course!

Swibeco- Comment renforcer l’engagement de vos employés grâce au certificat de travail

How to Keep Your Employees Engaged with Work Certificates

Swibeco- Boucler sa semaine de travail en 4 jours: comment y arriver sans stress?

How to Finish Your Work Week in 4 Days Stress-Free

Swibeco- New Work: comment créer une atmosphère de travail moderne

New Work: How to Update Your Workplace

Swibeco- 7 façons de te motiver au travail quand tu n’es pas d’humeur

7 Ways to Focus When You Don’t Feel Like Working

Swibeco- Comment une bonne gestion des récompenses peut transformer votre entreprise

How Managing Rewards Well Can Transform Your Company

Swibeco- Brainstorming d’équipe et home office: comment concilier les deux avec efficacité?

How Can You Combine Team Brainstorming and the Home Office Effectively?

Swibeco- Créez une culture favorisant la santé mentale au travail

Create a Mental Health-Friendly Work Environment

Swibeco- Mieux s’organiser grâce au management du temps de travail

Get Organised With Better Time Management

Swibeco- Méditation: 6 exercices faciles à faire au bureau

Meditation: 6 Easy Exercises for the Office

Swibeco- La semaine de quatre jours: une option intéressante pour les entreprises?

Should Companies Consider a Four-Day Week?

Swibeco- Pourquoi le networking est essentiel pour ta carrière

Why Networking Is Essential to Your Career

Swibeco- 7 leviers pour booster l’engagement des salariés

7 Ways to Better Engage Your Employees

Swibeco- Heureux au travail : mode d’emploi

How to Be Happy at Work

Swibeco- Les stratégies incontournables pour gérer au mieux vos talents

Top Strategies for Talent Management

Swibeco- Pourquoi tu ne devrais jamais arrêter d’apprendre (surtout au travail)

Why You Should Never Stop Learning (Especially at Work)

Swibeco- Devenez cette entreprise pour qui l’on rêve de travailler

Become the Company Everyone Wants to Work For

Swibeco- 7-conseils-home-office-efficace-crise-coronavirus

7 Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Swibeco- Comment devenir le collaborateur préféré de ton patron ?

How Can You Become Your Boss’ Favourite Employee?

Swibeco- 10 extras à offrir à vos employés

Do You Offer Your Employees These 10 Salary Extras?

Swibeco- 11 secrets malins pour une meilleure santé au bureau

11 Savvy Secrets for Better Health at the Office

Swibeco- Formation de vos employés : 4 raisons d’en faire une top priorité en 2020

4 Reasons to Make Training Your Employees a Top Priority in 2020