Create a Mental Health-Friendly Work Environment

Swibeco- Créez une culture favorisant la santé mentale au travail

Authorities say that mental health is the biggest challenge of the 21st century. As the professional environment changes, companies have realised that their employees’ productivity depends primarily on their mood and motivation. Many employers are working on finding new strategies to ensure their employees’ well-being. But how can you promote mental health in the workplace?

Fight Stigma

From overwork to anxiety attacks, excess stress and depression, any employee can be at risk for nervous fatigue that will limit their productivity and affect their life balance. Dialogue is crucial for clearing up risky situations at work and helping employees in need or who are susceptible. Discussion groups on stress can educate employees on these issues. You can also survey your personnel anonymously to evaluate their well-being at work. You can meet with employees individually when you see their motivation waning or create support networks where colleagues can help each other, encouraging inclusion.

Communicate on Health in the Workplace

When we make employee mental health a priority, we need to develop communication strategies. You may want to focus your campaigns on preventing mental distress at work through a weekly or monthly newsletter, a stress prevention web portal, webinars with psychologists, etc. You can also plan regular Skype sessions. This online assistance will put mental health experts in touch with employees who wish to discuss issues they encounter at work. The goal of your company information campaigns should be to educate your employees to help them better handle difficult situations and find an appropriate balance in their work.

Encourage Healthy Practices

If you want your employees to be happy at work and stay with your company on the long term, provide them with the means to maintain their mental health. Developing wellness activities will help your employees release tension and learn how to manage their stress. Offer meditation, stretching or Pilates to help them balance body and mind at work. Bringing in professionals such as osteopaths or nutritionists will help improve their quality of life at home and at work. They will receive recommendations on healthy eating or improve their desk posture. These are all ways to improve their mood and well-being at work.

Make Space for Relaxation

We spend a third of our lives at work, so it makes sense to provide employees with spaces that help them concentrate and relax. As open spaces and sitting at a desk become the norm, it is a good idea to offer alternatives for those who wish to work in separate rooms or keep moving with a treadmill desk. As for relaxation, make space for welcoming break areas with billiards or foosball. These changes will have a positive impact on your employees’ physical and mental well-being.

Allow Pets at Work

This concept, straight from the United States, is beginning to gain popularity with companies. Google, Amazon and even Nestlé Group already allow employees to bring their pets to work. There are many benefits. There is nothing more contagious than the joy of a fearless pup or playful kitty saying hi to the team! These pets will not only bring your employees closer together, they also have a calming effect. A great way to keep your employees happy at work and boost their motivation.

It’s worth the effort to invest in good employees, so take care of your team. After all, a happy, healthy employee is a productive employee. When you take the necessary steps, your company will quickly benefit.

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